Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Yarn Stash

Ao I snapped a pic of my yarn room. Also known as The Barbie room. I admit to having 2 obsessions. Mostly everything is organized in these wire cubes, I got them at Costco years ago...
Yarn that is purchased for a sweater of specific project, is in a bag all together. I may be waiting for the right pattern, or it may already have a pattern tucked in the bag. I'm also a sucker for kits. When I was at Webs late last year, I bought 2 kits.

Then there;s the socks and lace projects. Then TON of leftovers. So I sorted thru and searched Ravelry. I have a few ideas now and some concrete plans, And since this is going to be easy no-brainer projects, they'll be prefect for emergency knitting bag. Packed and in hte truck, right next to the emergency change of clothes.

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