Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wool Fest Kirtland Ohio

Whew ... just got back from a show out in Ohio. A first hand view of how bad the economy is doing. Our sales were small, no sweater amounts of yarn. But we did get alot of knitting done and I made some new friends. Also have to admit that I didn't spend the amount of money that I usually do. Although I did get some really pretty yarns.

This time, I'll tempt you with pics AND the name of where I bought it. I've been forgetting that alot lately.

This first one is a really nice bright pastel colour scheme.
It's by Earthly Hues from Granville Ohio. Sorry but hte ball band doesn't have a web site. The colour is called Rainbow Lace 100% Merino, I'm not sure yet what it wants to be when it grows up. I'm sure it will decide something nice.

This one is from dahara dreaming a bright pastel colour called Pixie
Dance. This one is a sock yarn, Super Wash Merino and nylon, I think the socks will be really cool! The web site is www.daharadreaming.com also on etsy as daharadreaming.etsy.com She had alot of really nice colors. Not a big supply, but every colour came in 3-4 different weights. Nice concept.

My last yarn purchase is more of a sweater weight yarn. The feel
of this yarn is unbelievable!! It's from Annadele Alpacas, no web site listed, so not sure if they have one or not. It's 50% Alpaca and 50% Nylon. The colour is amazing and the softness.... OOOOOOO!! I bought all she had of this colour not quite enough to make a sweater, I'll have to mix it with something else.

I bought some other little stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary. It just seemed like no one was really buying anything, like I said, little purchases of smaller amounts of yarn.

The way to the show got the news that my real job was laying-off people, I got alot of text messages and emails from everyone. Going back in tomorrow is going to stink, 2 of my best buddies got let go. I'm sure the atmosphere is going to be difficult. Scary times we're going through now. I only hope the economy turns around soon.

Dinner time, I should feed the groupies.

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